3 December 2020 - Energy Industry

Energy Company Cloud Computing Services From IT Svit

If you are the US-based energy company in need of cloud computing services — you’ve come to the right place! IT Svit is an IT outsourcing provider that fields experienced dedicated teams that can manage the cloud infrastructure for the energy company.

The modern energy industry is unlike anything that was before. Thousands of private energy producers trade power via blockchain ledgers and operate edge computing nodes on their home power plants. If you want to succeed in this highly-competitive market — IT Svit can help enable cloud services for your energy company. From application development to cloud infrastructure management — we’ve got your cloud service requirements covered!  

We configure cloud storage for your energy company

Energy business benefits from the cloud services as much as any other. When your systems are safe and sound in the cloud, are able to handle any numbers of connections and store your data securely using the cloud services — you can do much more while spending much less. IT Svit is proficient in delivering cloud storage for the energy industry and configuring all kinds of cloud services your business might need.

Reduction of expenses and better operational flexibility for your energy business

Most of the energy companies that come to IT Svit think they need the cloud to reduce their operational expenses and increase their flexibility. As it often turns out, we can provide much more value, from automating various aspects of infrastructure operations to rebuilding the process of interaction with your external system components through using the latest RESTful APIs and much, much more.

We excel at managing the cloud infrastructure for the energy company!

Every business should evolve and adopt the latest technology to remain competitive, and the energy industry is no exception. Oil and gas companies that invested heavily in their mainframe systems, now seek the ways to automate their operations and make them more error-proof and not reliant on manual control. Cloud computing provides this possibility, as all the software and drivers used to operate the machinery can be run as virtualized applications in Docker containers, to ensure their fault-tolerance, scalability and resilience.

However, lowering the expenses is not as crucial for the energy companies as increasing the speed and reliability of operations. Using the cloud infrastructure for the cloud company means the ability to transfer huge quantities of data between on-prem installation and devices, process it in the cloud and ensure their security and compliance — as the energy industry is one of the most heavily regulated domains of business. 

The cloud backup for the energy industry data means SOX compliance is much easier to manage, as the data can be quickly backed up and restored using the cloud storage like Amazon S3 or Google Storage. System monitoring, billing, accounting. sending automated reports to regulatory bodies through RESTful APIs — the benefits of using cloud services for the energy industry are literally endless.

The main issue here is not to rush the cloud implementation, as the cloud services are no panacea for the energy industry. In order to be efficient, these systems must be well-thought-out, built and configured correctly, so they solve the energy business challenges, instead of introducing the new ones. This is why IT Svit recommends performing the transition to cloud computing for the energy company in three major stages.

Build the roadmap of the needed improvements using internal experts

Managed Services Providers like IT Svit can configure the cloud computing services and build the CI/CD pipelines for developing new modules for your applications — but only your in-house engineers know how your systems work, what the bottlenecks are and how to remove them with the utmost efficiency.

Thus said, understanding what is wrong with the current workflows and how this can be mended can be very beneficial before adopting cloud computing for the energy company. Build the detailed scheme of your systems, tools and workflows, highlight the performance bottlenecks and describe what you want — then let the IT services provider do what needs to be done in order to achieve these results. This way you will be able to formulate the business objectives you want to achieve, and we will be able to propose the best ways to do it.

Keep a close eye on interoperability and integrations

Every energy industry company has to interact with various third-party businesses and regulatory bodies. Over the time of your being in the business, you surely had instated some processes and tools for such interactions, and these can be affected when moving to the cloud. Understanding the way these interactions work and how they can be replaced and improved by using cloud services for the energy company is crucial for ensuring your cloud transition is successful.

The best way to deal with this transition is to have a fully-integrated cloud database solution able to interact with all your external contractors via RESTful APIs. However, the system and infrastructure of your partners can not be ready for such a transaction, and you cannot operate in a vacuum. Thus said, it is best to consult with your long-term partners and discuss the best ways to proceed with your digital transformation, so they can keep up and the normal flow of business interactions is not disrupted.

Treat the cloud as a tool, not the goal

Moving to the cloud infrastructure for the energy company is not the goal of the project, it is merely the means to an end. The ultimate goal of such a transition is to ensure better operational flexibility and future-proof your business, so you are able to innovate better and grow exponentially. This can be achieved by introducing a new business culture and better understanding the ways to use cloud services for the energy industry businesses, to plan proactively and react to new circumstances rapidly. 

IT Svit is an IT outsourcing provider with 15 years of expertise in providing remote system administration services, a decade of hands-on experience in software delivery and 5 years in providing DevOps services and cloud infrastructure management. We know how to use cloud services to reach specific goals of any business — but it is up to you to provide the list of specific goals you need to achieve.

Thus said, IT Svit can help your energy company with the full range of cloud services:

  • Assessment of your existing infrastructure and processes
  • Forming a list of suggestions to overcome the existing bottlenecks based on input from your stakeholders
  • Implementing these solutions to streamline your processes and increase their efficiency
  • Moving your data and workflows to the cloud seamlessly
  • Enabling CI/CD processes for software delivery processes and the management of cloud infrastructure for the cloud company
  • Building logging, monitoring, and smart alerting solutions for your business

If you are an energy business in need of infrastructure optimization, rebuilding your application to be cloud-native or running your cloud infrastructure — IT Svit is the right partner. Contact us with the project requirements and let’s transform your business together!

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